At the beginning of my studies, like many beginners, I took photos of followers, trees, landscapes, people and so on. But as my understanding about photography became more in-depth, I realised what I really care about, in my heart, via my camera, it’s about people who surround me, about our life. It’s like, everyone has their own secrets and the viewfinder could help me to find out people’s secrets, could help me to understand our life, not only from a personal perspective but also the knowledge of society, history, culture….
I think it’s unlike writing, where you can describe a person from your imagine without having known them… but to photograph people, you need to know him/her through conversation or in other ways, and need to stay with him/her for a long time in order to know who he/she is, to let both understand each other. I think this is a way to reveal the secret… I think you street photography gives me that…. I think so… but perphaps more on the level of social life, the secrets of the society and less on the personal… where the individual people form part of the tapestry of the bigger picture.”