Ultimate Performance Coach | Speaker | Writer ali@alilochhead.com


Making a billboard

It’s on some list of things to do before I die but making a billboard is not a box I’m likely to tick so I ignore the email when it arrives…


Photo shoot with Tim Barber



“In this new paradigm of peace, there are many contributors,” Phil Vernon explains… “Most of the work has to be done by people who don’t see themselves as peace builders, such as the artists here.”





“A girl’s long hair can touch my face when she swings her head, I can smell the fragrance of the shampoo she used. Perhaps the distance between my face and a stranger’s face is no more than 20cm, in these conditions people won’t look at you… or even give you a quick glance. So, between myself and strangers, we have physical contact, but in our hearts, we are living on different planets.”


Beijing Street Photographer Jiwei Han

We think
We are… we think..!
letting go

Photography credits:

All photos Jac Depczyk and Ali Lochhead unless otherwise credited (we’ve been busy!)

Love    Life

Please feel free to get in touch - you can contact me here:

1 + 12 =

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Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Photography Widget Icon for alilochhead.com Original Image shot by Jac Depczyk at his studio in London. Copyright (c) 2015 Jac Depczyk. All rights reserved. This image can be licenced here: https://www.gettyimages.com/license/598720127