Ultimate Performance Coach | Speaker | Writer ali@alilochhead.com








Waking up on 24th Feb to events in Ukraine, my immediate response was to do something to lift the vibration of Love in the world. My partner, Jac, and I created #LoveNotes22 as a series of special edition prints to gift to you, so you can write your own message - to...

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messages of Love for a friend, a neighbour, a lover, a stranger… for the people of Ukraine…for Peace… for yourself... to uplift and to comfort… the artwork is a gift for you... you can make a note and do as you wish…you can keep it or pass it on… just a small way to...

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Teaching English Online

Teaching English Online

Happy Chinese New Year 2020! As the Year of the Metal Rat is about new beginnings and prosperity, here are my links to help you if you want to earn some more money, working from anywhere, teaching English to Chinese students. I’ve just completed 300 hours of teaching on PalFish and it’s changed my life. Lots of friends have asked me for tips and mentorship and I’m more than happy to help in any way I can.

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Crisis at Christmas

Crisis at Christmas

If you’re stressing about the holiday season and you’re not sure what to do with yourself I can highly recommend volunteering to help the homeless. I had an incredible experience, when I was struggling, a few years back. ♥

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I love working in Paris, it’s such an elegant city, the architecture is so beautiful and whether we’re taking pictures or I’m writing there’s always a sense of the great talent which walked before you…

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Photography credits: Jac Depczyk:  All photos unless otherwise credited (we've been busy!)

Love    Life

Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Photography Widget Icon for alilochhead.com Original Image shot by Jac Depczyk at his studio in London. Copyright (c) 2015 Jac Depczyk. All rights reserved. This image can be licenced here: https://www.gettyimages.com/license/598720127