Ultimate Performance Coach | Speaker | Writer ali@alilochhead.com

London at Night

London is such fun to wander around at night as there’s always so much going on – the diversity and fusion of cultures make it such a vibrant and inspirational place to be, it’s a canvas for street photography. There’s often a drama on the night bus, usually highly entertaining, but this journey is chilled and Jac’s lens captures a beautiful light which flatters the scene in every sense. We go to Soho for neon, historically London’s centre for prostitution, media and, more recently, the gay community it’s a shame the council’s knocking the character out of the area.


Paris Metro





Love creating beautiful projects with beautiful people

Love   creating


Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Ali Lochhead Blog graffiti widget icon. Origianal photograph of Ali Lochhead in Paris, shot by Jac Depczyk ©JacDepczyk2015 available for licence at https://www.gettyimages.com/license/598720089 cheers!