
I think I am I think
I think therefore I think I am
I think therefore I think I think
I am
I think

Sometimes to know who we are we learn who we are not

The symphony
The symphony is every note in the moment… musings after morning meditation

no need
No need to unfold, we are unfolding naturally… musings after morning meditation.

You are
You don’t need to receive the note, you are the note…. musings after morning meditation.

beyond giving and taking
Giving requires a taker, receiving requires a giver, beyond giving and taking being is ♥ musings after morning meditation #presence #mindfulness #being

We Are Love
Love is not something we seek, We Are Love, Love is our essence And our nature is to share.

to deadness.
to deadness.
my mind eating my mind

Lovers Love – Lovers Love – have you ever been stuck in a hopelessly codependent relationship? Did you leave? How did you break free from the pattern?

split asunder
the fragments lie
about his feat
#EightWords #EightWordStory

door closing.
door closing.
the sound of letting go
Love creating beautiful projects with beautiful people
Love Creating