Ultimate Performance Coach | Speaker | Writer ali@alilochhead.com



You are

You are

You don’t need to receive the note, you are the note…. musings after morning meditation.

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beyond giving and taking

beyond giving and taking

Giving requires a taker, receiving requires a giver, beyond giving and taking being is ♥ musings after morning meditation #presence #mindfulness #being

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Love  creating beautiful projects with beautiful people

Love  Creating

Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Photography Widget Icon for alilochhead.com Original Image shot by Jac Depczyk at his studio in London. Copyright (c) 2015 Jac Depczyk. All rights reserved. This image can be licenced here: https://www.gettyimages.com/license/598720127