Ultimate Performance Coach | Speaker | Writer ali@alilochhead.com

You Are Beautiful


Dear sisters who are hurting,

Dear sisters who feel unacknowledged, unheard ~

Let’s rise up.

Let’s rise above this pain and suffering,

Let’s hold hands and with one voice,

Let’s Love.

 I acknowledge you, I behold your true beauty,

As I acknowledge the beauty within me.


Dear sisters who are hurting,

Dear sisters who feel unacknowledged, unheard ~

Let’s rise up.

Let’s rise above this pain and suffering,

Let’s hold hands and with one voice,

Let’s Love.

 I acknowledge you, I behold your true beauty,

As I acknowledge the beauty within me.





Photography credits:

Jac Depczyk:  All photos unless otherwise credited (we’ve been busy!)

Ulv Andreasson/Denis Karpenkov: Rose TextCard image ©deniskarpenkov

Kien Do – thanks for curating the rose image in the header.


Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Graffiti Icon for About Ali Lochhead and alilochhead.com
Ali Lochhead Blog graffiti widget icon. Origianal photograph of Ali Lochhead in Paris, shot by Jac Depczyk ©JacDepczyk2015 available for licence at https://www.gettyimages.com/license/598720089 cheers!