first date
Love ♥ creating beautiful projects with beautiful people
Love 🖤 creating beautiful projects with beautiful people
Love ♥ creating beautiful projects with beautiful people
Love 🖤 creating beautiful projects with beautiful people
Making a billboard
It’s on some list of things to do before I die but making a billboard is not a box I’m likely to tick so I ignore the email when it arrives, inviting me to apply to be featured in an Airbnb campaign, assuming it’s a mass mail. It takes a while for me to realise it’s for real and I still think I’ll get a standard rejection.
I’m dozing in bed, it’s Sunday morning, when Rachel, the producer, calls.
“We’ll be there on Wednesday, there’ll be eleven of us all together…. You’ll be photographed by Tim Barber, do you know Tim’s work?”
“No, sorry…” I’m a sleepyhead.
“Oh look him up, he’s one of the most sought-after photographers in the world right now… he’s done Adidas, Nike, Levi’s… oh he’s done loads of stuff -check him out…”
On the morning of the shoot I’m gripped by panic and I’m really not sure I can do this… Jac goes out and buys me the most gorgeous flowers and we put them in my studio, like a secret little love sign. There are other secret love signs too…
When the crew turns up… there are so many people – they even have a tour bus parked round the corner! I’m taken away to have my skirt steam pressed and to have my face ironed out too – and as I walk onto the coach I feel fear creeping through me, taking over every part of my body – I almost have a seizure… it seems like a quite a big deal…
Amanda, beautiful soul, puts me at ease and we’re chatting about men, sharing all our life stories – as you do – while she’s applying her talented touch with her make-up brushes, and I start enjoying myself. They have a buffet on the bus too and it becomes a lot of fun!
I still expect the film will land on the cutting room floor – I’m thrilled the picture makes the final cut.
I’m always looking for ways to fund my writing and Jac lets me mangage his properties on Airbnb to support my creavity.
Fun Making
Jac’s painting the set when I have an impulse to pick up a brush and smear paint on my face.
“Hey, what do you think?” I ask.
“Well you’ve done it now,” he says, joining in the fun.
We both forget black acrylic paint is not a good hair treatment and it’s not too kind on the skin either but luckily it all comes off!
This is one of my favourtie shoots with Jac because we find our creative style and I love the way he lights up the shield.
Fun Making
I guess it’s part of the package, hanging out with a photographer…
I’m reluctant but Jac’s really keen and so here is our first ever photo shoot and joint creative enterprise. (We met on a dating site a few weeks earlier. ) Hilariously, my foray into stock shot photography debuts on Getty Images as “Anxious mature woman dressed in bubble wrap” – the things I do to support my writing (and to please a new date!).
Love Life